There is nothing here yet.
hello patriots.
don't look at it.

Click some stuff, ya nerd.

I had some thoughts but now they're leaving me.

I've been thinking about trauma, i've been thinking about the internet. i've been thinking about how isolated we are, despite widespread accessibility to communication technology, to the internet, to ease of creating relationships, and yet parasocial relationships thrive. social media creates unrealistic caricatures of ourselves because we can so easily edit our lives and only show the best parts. i miss seeing weird stuff. the internet is so regulated and sterile now. remember xanga? I miss people's problems. my therapist has recommended i keep a diary again, but keeping it private feels very whiny and pathetic, and then i have tons of books i can't throw away or ever read. perhaps you, viewer, can experience my unedited whining and glean some comfort from it. or panic. whichever.